Terms & Conditions
These Terms and Conditions apply if you enter GoalScorer Challenge (or "GSC"), located at www.goalscorerchallenge.co.uk ("the website") which is operated by Will Tucker.
GSC is open to anyone and is free to enter.
How to Enter
Visit the Register section of the website. Only one account may be registered per person. Participants found to have registered more than one account may be removed from the Goalscorer Challenge game. Participants must have registered before the deadline for a particular Gameweek to be able to pick a player for that week.
Use of personal details
The only personal details we require are your full name and email address. Your email address will not be shared or passed to any third parties. Your name will be visible on the player rankings page and may be used in email communications to other players or in our social media updates where we publish player ranking information.
The rules of the game can be found in the Rules section of the website.
Your acceptance
By registering and playing GSC you acknowledge and agree to the Terms and Conditions set out here.
Contact Us
If you have any queries please get in touch by email at: enquiries@goalscorerchallenge.co.uk